Fibromyalgia is an invisible illness and can be hard for friends and family to understand, especially with the lack of understanding in the area. There are many things that someone can do to support...
“Clinical research has shown that some of these aromatherapy oils can alleviate various ailments in the body, including pain” [1] So What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils (AKA aromatherapy oils), derive...
Not many people know that certain foods can actually do this, which is why we want to share all our knowledge, and the latest research with you. Fortunately, what we consume in the...
Following Mel Lisney’s article last week regarding Emotional Resilience, Mel now provides us with some practical advice on improving Emotional Resilience. How do we work on our resilience? So, how do we work on...
By Jackie Waters Published 15.5.2017 When you finally realise you have chronic pain, your whole life changes. Many things that were simple to take care of previously can now be hard, anxiety-inducing, or...
Migraines A migraine is essentially defined as a throbbing or pulsating headache that is limited to one side of the head (a unilateral headache). They are usually characterised by severe pain and are accompanied...
Pulsed radiofrequency treatment is often used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, but can also be used as an effective treatment for neuropathic pain in any of the facial nerves. Pulsed Radiofrequency...
Knee pain is defined as a sensation of discomfort or pain in the knee, caused by overuse, poor form during physical activity and lack of proper warm up or osteoarthritis. The knee is coordinated...