Refractory Meralgia Paraesthetica: Pulsed Radiofrequency or Surgery? Meralgia paraesthetica is a painful condition that affects the outer thigh, which may be the result of a trauma or injury or can even be caused by...
Although many people have not heard of meralgia paraesthetica, (MP) it is one of those conditions that when you have got it, you certainly know about it: it is such a painful condition, with...
Although many patients benefit from pulsed radiofrequency treatment, when the nerve or ganglion (a cluster of nerve cells) is treated by radiofrequency that is delivered in short ‘blasts’, there are still a lot of...
Occipital Neuralgia: The Benefits of Pulsed Radiofrequency The condition occipital neuralgia is actually quite a rare condition that is often only diagnosed after some time. This is simply because it is not the condition...