Work Station and Ergonomics assesments from Central Health


Work Station Assessment / Ergonomics

Sitting all day, everyday can be just as problematic as lifting heavy objects. A sedentary lifestyle sitting in front of a computer terminal can often lead to pain in the back, the neck or down the arms. The National Health and Safety Regulations (1992) state that every employer shall perform a suitable and efficient analysis of workstations to assess risks to which those persons using them are exposed.

Proactive and Reactive Measures

Central Health is able to send a Chartered Physiotherapist to your place of work to assess the working environment and work station set up. This can be done as a PROACTIVE or REACTIVE measure.

Proactive Measures

PROACTIVE assessments give an overview of the current work set up and are aimed at educating staff. It is not unusual for us to perform this type of assessment for a number of employees; if this is the case we often suggest a group seminar followed by a check of the individuals work station. We use a check list as a quick and efficient way to perform the assessment.

Each assessment takes approximately 15 minutes. It is carried out by a Chartered Physiotherapist who will have an excellent understanding of the medical implications of poor posture and is therefore well qualified to give out advice and recommendations. Once the individuals have all been assessed, Central Health will produce a report on the overall findings and recommendations.

Reactive Measures

This product is not designed for a patient who already has symptoms, but more as a way of avoiding a future problem.

REACTIVE assessments are designed for patients who are experiencing symptoms when at work. The assessment consists of an in depth look at the work station and working environment and takes approximately an hour to perform. Following the assessment a formal report will be written specific to that individual with recommendations made regarding alterations that may improve the situation.

So if you have a member of staff who is experiencing work related pain or if you are keen to avoid these situations arising Central Health is able to offer a product that meets yours needs. It does not matter how good (or expensive) a work set up is if the employee does not understand how to use it!


Links for Physical Therapies for Pain Management




Links for Physiotherapy


Links for Physical Rehabilitation Therapy