Different Forms and Causes of Neuropathic Pain
Different Forms and Causes of Neuropathic Pain Neuropathic pain is often used as a generic term to describe a painful condition that has been caused or arises from some kind of lesion, trauma or...
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[email-download download_id="3724" contact_form_id="1613"]Different Forms and Causes of Neuropathic Pain Neuropathic pain is often used as a generic term to describe a painful condition that has been caused or arises from some kind of lesion, trauma or...
Neuropathic pain is a pain condition that is not well known, yet it is estimated that something like 1 in every 100 people will experience neuropathic pain at some point in their lives. The...
Duloxetene and Diabetic Neuropathic Pain The use of duloxetene in the treatment of diabetic neuropathic pain, is quite a recent innovation, but early indicators are that it is a very effective treatment for this...
Duloxetine is a medication that is licensed in the UK under the name of Cymbalta, to treat diabetic neuropathic pain. It is in fact an antidepressant, since it is a selective serotonin and noradrenaline...
Peripheral neuropathic pain has a number of causes…. it can be caused by chemotherapy, damage to the nervous system itself or even condition such as HIV and AIDS or nerve damage following alcohol related...
Occipital Neuralgia And Anti-Depressants/Anti-Convulsion Medication Occipital neuralgia is a relatively uncommon condition. For this reason it is not the condition that immediately springs to mind when a patient present s with persistent and chronic...
Botulinum Toxin A in Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia – Latest Advances Introduction Botulinum toxin is basically a neurontin protein produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum and is one of the most poisonous naturally occurring...