Anti-Inflammatory Diets to Help Improve Fibromyalgia

“Fibromyalgia causes ongoing pain & fatigue. There is currently no cure, but some medications & lifestyle remedies can help relieve the symptoms. Dietary choices may also make a difference” [1]

While current research into the root cause of Fibromyalgia is inconclusive, one popular theory is that it alters sufferers’ pain pathways, thus making them feel pain for more intensely than others. Moreover, although the condition is not regarded as an inflammatory disease, per se, some medics think that Fibromyalgia may incorporate inflammation of the nerves. At the present time, a number of Pain Specialists recommend a holistic approach, and one of the aspects is adopting an anti-inflammatory diet.

So What Sort of Diet Should I Adopt?

“There is evidence to suggest that adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can help people with chronic pain. An anti-inflammatory diet is not a specific eating plan, but its guidelines can help people make suitable choices” [1]

Subject to any contra-indications, and recommendation and approval by your Pain Specialist,
you could try out an anti-inflammatory diet. So what are the suggestions?

A plant based diet can be very beneficial due to the fact that plant foods are bumper packed with antioxidants. These empower the body to get rid of free radicals (unstable atoms which can damage our cells, and generate unwelcome illness and degeneration). Of note, whenever our bodies are overwhelmed with excessive levels of free radicals – inflammation and oxidative stress step in, doing our bodies untold damage [1].

Research shows that consuming around eight servings of various nutrient-rich colourful fruit and vegetables each and every day, can be very helpful. Try to ensure that some of these are fresh, and if possible, organic. Berries (such as blueberries and raspberries), as well as broccoli, house the most nutrients.

Unrefined whole grains, which contain fibre, vitamins, minerals, and protein, should also be on your menu. These healthy grains include: brown rice, spelt, wheat, rye, quinoa, oats, buckwheat, and barley [1]. Being open minded, and trying some of them out to see which ones you like and dislike, is very important. Moreover, looking up some delicious recipes on YouTube, will also help.

Unrefined olive oil is another must-have for helping inflammation, as are herbs and spices (which you should try to buy fresh). Tumeric has been the subject of a plethora of research, which has confirmed very positive benefits for those with inflammation [1]. This can be taken in powder form mixed with a bit of yogurt to reduce its strong taste.

Foods to Cut Down or Avoid

“It may help to limit excess dairy intake, as many dairy products contain saturated fat. People should try to opt for low fat versions or dairy alternatives. It may also help to limit the consumption of red meat. Instead of eating it every day, opt for turkey, fish, and vegetable based substitutes” [1].


[1]. Nall, R. (2019). “Foods to eat and avoid with fibromyalgia.” Medical News Today.