Peripheral Neuropathy basic blood tests
Peripheral Neuropathy basic blood tests Diabetes Mellitus B 12 FBC Biochemistry ESR and CRP LFT
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[email-download download_id="3724" contact_form_id="1613"]Peripheral Neuropathy basic blood tests Diabetes Mellitus B 12 FBC Biochemistry ESR and CRP LFT
CRPS and Stanton-Hicks Medication Gabapentin/Pregabalin/Duloxetine Amitriptyline/Imipramine Tramadol/Oxycodone/Fentanyl Flecanide Vitamin C 100 mg b.d./NSAID/COX-2 Sativex Calcitonin/ Dextromethorphan Steroid/pulse (Prednisolone 30 mg for 7 days, 25 mg for 7 days etc. Coverage with Omeprazole 20...
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Opiate Conversion Tables Introduction An opiate conversion table is basically a chart that lists the relatively equivalent value of various opiates. Such listing explains the required amount of dosage of a specific opiate,...