Post herpetic neuralgia successfully treated with medication. A case report.

Post herpetic neuralgia successfully treated with medication. A case report.


I reviewed a 62 year old gentleman with post herpetic neuralgia.

Examination findings

On examination he had healed lesions but pain from light touch (allodynia) and exaggerated pain from a painful stimulus (hyperalgesia). He was taking Gabapentin 400 mg t.d.s. but was having increasing adverse effects including nausea and vomiting. I started him on a regime of Pregabalin 150 mg b.d. and Oxycodone 5 mg b.d. as required.

Follow up review

He was reviewed in the Pain Clinic approximately 4 months later and was found to be doing extremely well on this regime. He decided to then go for a series of stellate ganglion nerve blocks to see if he could get any further benefit from this.

He is due for review in the clinic in 2 months time.