Case report of neuropathic spinal pain following spinal fixation surgery treated with medication and local injections History A 67 year old gentleman was seen in the Pain Clinic. He had undergone a spinal fixation...
Case report of shoulder pain treated with Acupuncture, followed by radiofrequency to the suprascapular nerve History A 53 year old ex-restaurateur was reviewed in the Pain Clinic with right shoulder pain, which was worse...
Shiatsu Article under contruction
Deep Tissue Massage Article under construction
Reflexology Article under construction
The Causes of Lower Back Pain Introduction The US rates lower back pain as the most common health problem and one of the leading causes of physician visits. Reports indicate that Americans spend at...
Informed Consent Introduction Informed consent is essentially defined as a legal condition whereby a person can be said to have given a formal consent based upon an appreciation and understanding of the facts and...
Patient Information Sheet – Stellate Ganglion Block What is the Stellate Ganglion Block? Stellate Ganglion Block is an injection of local anesthetic in the sympathetic nerve tissue. These are the nerves that are a...
Patient Information Sheet – Sacroiliac Joint Blocks What is a Sacroiliac Joint Block? Sacroiliac (SI) joint blocks are injections that are typically used for diagnosing and treating the low back pain associated with sacroiliac...
Introduction Dr. Chris Jenner, Director of London Pain Clinic has a number of educational packages available for medical and non-medical groups about pain and pain management. Educational packages for Medical Personnel...