Putting a Spotlight on Spinal Pain As any Pain Doctor will tell you, spinal pain in the lower back (lumbar region), is extremely common. Indeed, the most prevailing causes of lower back pain are...
Surgery should be the last resort when it comes to treating severe back pain. – This is because there are so many conventional & cutting-edge options provided by Pain Doctors. And as any Pain...
As a Pain Doctor will tell you: “psychological factors not only affect back pain, but also how much the pain impacts our life. – Depressive symptoms can make back pain worse & increase the...
So What’s the Difference Between Sprains and Strains? In a nutshell: • A Sprain is generated by ligaments (bands of tissue which connect our bones), becoming overstretched (with the stretch often going in the...
Putting a Spotlight on Basic Pain Processes With countless people in the UK experiencing all kinds of pain each and every day, it is important to understand the basics about how pain is transmitted....
Whilst it can be said that pain is commonplace among older people, it does nonetheless: “remain under-recognised & under-treated”. A comprehensive assessment of pain [conducted by a Pain Doctor], involves identifying its cause, establishing...
“Acute pain is provoked by a specific disease or injury, serves a useful biologic purpose, is associated with skeletal muscle spasm & sympathetic nervous system activation, & is self-limited. Chronic pain, in contrast, may...
As any Pain Specialist will tell you: “Pain theories & the management of pain, have been modified throughout history. It grew from magico-religious & demonic ideas & procedures, to more empiric-scientific models; from ancient...
As a Pain Doctor will tell you: Spinal Discs are extremely important. They act like shock absorbers, and render our spine flexible. To that end, it is easy to understand that any problems with...
“Back pain will affect approximately 3 in 4 adults during their lifetime. It’s caused, directly or incidentally, by a huge number of health conditions, so this can make teasing out the root cause of...