“The origin of back pain isn’t always obvious, but sciatica, which affects millions of people every year, presents a distinctive symptom: pain that radiates from the lower back into the side or back of...
“Osteoporosis, which is literally “porous bone,” is a disease that thins the framework inside bones so much that even a minor fall or bump against a car door or piece of furniture may cause...
“A herniated disk occurs when there is an issue with one of the rubbery cushions (disks), that sits between the spinal vertebrae. A spinal disk has a soft, jellylike centre encased in a tougher,...
“Chronic (long-term) Pain is ongoing pain which usually lasts longer than six months. This type of pain tends to initially be caused by an injury or illness which has healed, but for which the...
“Phantom pain feels like it’s coming from a body part that’s no longer there. Doctors once believed this post-amputation phenomenon was a psychological problem, but experts now recognise that these real sensations originate in...
“Plantar fasciitis is a degenerative condition of the thick band of tissue (also called a fascia) at the bottom of your foot that runs from your heel to your toes. Doctors once thought that...
“Back pain can range from a muscle aching to a shooting, burning or stabbing sensation. In addition, the pain may radiate down your leg or worsen with bending, twisting, lifting, standing or walking” [1]...
“Opioids are a type of medication which Pain Specialists prescribe for the treatment of severe or persistent or pain. They are used by people with chronic backaches, by patients recovering from surgery, by adults...
“An epidural is a numbing agent that may be a combination of analgesics (pain relief without the loss of muscle movement) & anaesthetics (pain relief with a loss of sensation). It’s the most common...
If you’ve had coronavirus, your symptoms could continue for weeks or even months. Everyone who goes through Long COVID will experience it differently, however, there is a long list of common symptoms which are...