Knee Pain Symptoms
Knee pain is defined as a sensation of discomfort or pain in the knee, caused by overuse, poor form during physical activity and lack of proper warm up, or osteoarthritis. The knee is coordinated with a number of surrounding structures, including bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage to perform its functions. Any abnormality or external harm to any of these can result in knee pain. Obesity is also known to be a cause, as the weight adds extra stain on the joints that support almost the entire weight of the body.
For proper diagnosis of the correct cause of knee pain, it is important to identify and understand the different symptoms associated. Popping and snapping within the knee is very common and often indicates a torn ligament, as does general knee instability.. Crunching and grinding of the bones in the knee against eachother is more commonly found in osteoarthritis, due to a loss of hyaluronic acid that lubricates the joint. Locking, the inability to bend or straighten the knee, points to a structural problem.
General swelling of the knee area accompanies most of these conditions. The location (front, inside, outside or back of the knee) and timing (climbing stairs, morning pain) of the pain may also indicate the underlying cause.
Knee Pain Causes
Knee pain will either be acute and temporary or constant and chronic. The former is often caused by injury or infection, while continuous knee pain is often a result of injury or inflammation.
Acute sudden pain is caused by fractures, sprained ligaments, tendon ruptures, meniscal injuries, knee dislocation or a dislocated kneecap. Chronic knee pain is commonly a sign of the different forms of arthiritis, bursitis, infection and gout.
Knee Pain Treatment
If the knee pain is of musculoskeletal origin, in the knee joint itself, intra-articular injections with a steroid or with hyaluronic acid are usually recommended.